How to Prioritize Self Care in 2023

We all know the importance of self care. We see it everywhere - in ads, on social media. But what does it actually mean to care for ourselves?


Self care looks different for everyone. It can look like self-advocacy, self-development, self-knowledge. Self-love.

Holistic healing is a profound tool that can help to serve all of the above. With the year ahead, making self care a priority has the potential to unlock our deepest, most authentic truth - we matter, and we belong.

One of the deepest observations that helps us to find our path to healing is knowing that we are much more than our physical bodies. That’s what makes holistic healing holistic - it recognizes the truth of our oneness and the deep connections of the body, mind, and spirit.

We are energy - the same energy that makes the sea, the sky, and the stars. When we begin to understand and connect to our energy body, we walk through a portal toward deeper belonging.

If holistic wellness is new to you, welcome. If it’s woven into the fabric of your life, we’re grateful you’re here. No matter what your experience is or where you are on your path, this message will equip you with gentle ways to make self care a priority in 2023.

#1: First, cultivate a meaningful relationship to your body.

Our bodies are wise - sometimes beyond what we can consciously perceive. Our flesh and bones carry all of our experience, our grief and joy, even our ancestral memories. Tending to the body helps us to awaken to just how much we carry on a day to day basis - and reminds us that we can choose to carry a little less. 

As bodyworkers, we are always amazed to find just how much can be moved and released through massage. That’s why our bodywork sessions are curated to provide a massage experience that also tends to the energetic makeup of the body. 


If you’re new to the wonders of massage therapy, start with our signature Verde massage. With gentle strokes to clear stagnation and hot stones to bring deeper relief, our Verde Signature Massage is a long time favorite for our clientele. 

For a deeper release, try our Massage de Tejido Profundo. Deep tissue massage works the lower layer of the muscular tissue - soothing muscle pain, aiding in injury rehabilitation, and reducing inflammation.

Support the long lasting benefits of massage therapy with after care like stretching, soaking in a salt bath with our Baño de Copal, or soothing achey muscles with our Pomada de Arnica muscle & joint relief balm


#2: Connect to your Energy.

Developing an awareness of our energy helps us to not only understand ourselves more deeply, but to extend greater compassion to the people in our lives. 


Energy healing helps us to clear the debris of the past and return to our true state of alignment.

Whether you’re navigating a period of profound loss, or interested in getting to know yourself in a deeper way, energy healing can provide a safe space to feel a sense of compassion and support. 

Our new service Cuencos de Vibración Tibetanos helps to create a lasting sense of ease and renewal. Through the ancient medicinal power of vibrational healing, this service is a curated technique that nourishes and revives the energy centers. Book on its own or add it to any service of your choosing! 


It’s also important to make space to connect with your spirit on a day to day basis. You can start by building an altar, creating a meditation space, or even taking a moment in the morning to practice gratitude. Whatever helps your house feel like a home. Burn our Copal Incense for added support in clearing away stagnant energy and calling in ancestral guidance.

If you’re looking for a deep dive into the energy body, our Journey through the Chakras is a two part program dedicated to self study and hands-on practice of the energy body! The next cohort starts in March. Register today.



#3: Find a supportive community.

You know those friendships that leave you feeling drained and exhausted? We’ve all been there. And as much as you know you need to, walking away from those relationships can come with grief - and we can make space to honor the grief AND celebrate what’s to come.

It’s time to leave toxic relationships behind in 2022 and create a space to receive new connections rooted in mutual respect, reciprocity, and deep love in the year ahead. 

If you’re looking for kindred spirits - our new virtual membership is just that. A safe space to connect with others in the journey to becoming more empowered in our healing. We start in March - learn more and join the waitlist today.

In the meantime, join our community by participating in our healing events. Centered on providing a space to connect with the wisdom and teachings of our talented practitioners, our events are an invitation to hold space for one another. Head to our events calendar to see what’s coming up.


However you choose to prioritize Self Care in 2023, know that you have the resources and the support at your disposal. There are endless tools to integrate healing, call in ancestral guidance, and live your soul’s purpose.

Just remember that we’re all in this together - and we’re cheering you on. 

With you in wellness,

Stella LeeComment